Have any of you ever stopped what you were doing and thought what in the world am I doing? The everyday stuff of being an adult?
Grocery shopping.
Taking the kids to school
Paying the bills.
Why do I ask this, you wonder? Well, it’s because I don’t feel very grown up. Yet I keep doing all these grown up things. I mentioned it to a friend a while back, somebody I’d known from high school and she said she’s had similiar thoughts cross her mind. This grown up mom thing, doing the responsible adult thing, just sometimes doesn’t seem quite real.
Even sitting here with a WIP calling my name and a baby exercising her lungs (she’s discovered she can make REALLY loud nosies) I still don’t always understand how it happened. Well, the technical know how, yeah, that I get. Just seems odd because it feels like just yesterday the DH and I were just boyfriend/girlfriend and arguing with each other about things like birth control, whether or not I was ignoring him and whether or not I should go into the military (yes, it was a thought) or stay home and go to college.
Talk about weirdness….in a few more days, my oldest will turn 8. My baby is eight months old. The middle one starts kindergarten in the fall. And I’m still having moments when nothing around me seems quite real….
Okay, enough of the confusion that is my brain.
Gotta start looking around for books for next month’s BOMC. Just a reminder, if you haven’t joined in this month’s BOMC, it’s here. I may end up doing March’s one Innocent in Death or Born in Death by JD Robb, since I’ve recently read one, and will shortly be reading the other, and because there are people who haven’t read the In Death books… ~shocking! ;o>
If you have recommendations for reads, feel free to shout them out.