Weird Hits

I was checking my stats today and yet again… I’m getting some very odd hits.

Like this one…

 gothic websets for the demented… Sorry, I’m demented but not too into the goth scene so you won’t find anything here.

or this one

I’m 13 years old and I want to have sex…sweetie, you don’t need to be looking here for advice because my advice would be to wait until you’re older. If you land here again, my advice would also be to find a decent adult person in your life that you respect and trust and get their advice.  13 year old kids don’t need to be having sex.  You’re not ready for it…and it can be frickin dangerous.  If you don’t have an adult… try here, if nothing else there is some info you really need.

Then there is the really gross one…

stuck his hand deep into her ass.  Okay, I’m pretty sure I’ve never detailed a rectal exam on my blog or in any of my books.  Yeah, I might have anal sex in those books, but that’s a far cry from fisting, which only makes me think… OUCH.

Still getting the daily hits on for an ARC of JR’s Lover Revealed.  All in good time, my friends.  It’s an excellent book, I love Butch and Marissa and you can hold on for two more weeks.

Then there’s Lora Leigh’s Nauti Boy which I’ve had for quite a while, although I do need the new print version, most definitely.

That’s all for now!