Thirteen Weird Things about Being a Writer

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  1. Do you have any idea how often somebody has assumed I write kids books?  Whether it’s cuz I have them and adore them…or because I used to work pediatrics, I dunno.  But it’s happened more times than I count.
  2. All of sudden, everybody I know has this idea for a book.  They tell me and then sit there and stare like I’m supposed to do….I don’t know…something about it.  Write it?  I don’t know. 
  3. People ask all the time… how is the book going…book.  As in singular.  Unless you wrote The Davinci Code or some tell all celebrity thing, one book isn’t very likely to provide enough money for the rest of your life.  Writing is an ongoing process.  There is never just one book.
  4. Vacations can count as tax write offs since I’m always looking for new places to set my books, and always researching local lore and history.  It oftens jumpstarts ideas.  Now if I can just find the money for that trip to Ireland…
  5. Since you gotta keep up with current market trends…romance books are considered research.  ;o)
  6. People assume I’m interesting.  I’m no more interesting than any other working mom out there.  I have to work, pay bills, get kids up, take them to school….oh, the glamour. :O)
  7. I get books.  And I don’t mean my own.  I have friends that I can hit up for early reads and most of them say yes.  Although SOME make me wait until they are good and ready.  Sulk.
  8. Teachers assume that since I write, I can teach it.  The bratlet’s second grade teacher keeps having me come in and helps students with writing assignments.
  9. I get to talk to other people (writers) who understand that’s it not at all weird to hear voices in your head.  All the time.  Voices that argue with each other, and you.  It’s actually perfectly normal (for writers).
  10. People actually want to read what I write.  Not all of them.  ( I wish) But enough that I can write for a living.
  11. Booksignings.  Okay, okay, the reader in me understand how it’s fun to go and talk to an author you enjoy, but I still don’t see why people want to do that with me.
  12. You go into a bookstore to sign copies and booksellers give you this weird look…You wrote the book…you wrote it?  As in the author?  You want to sign it?  Uhhh…lemme ask the manager.  *G*  Believe it or not, a lot of people I’ve met in bookstores can’t quite fathom somebody writing in a book.
  13. And the number one weird thing…you can do the TT and still call it work.  Since it’s on my blog, and I’m a writer, and my blog is part of my promo…

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