May's BOMContest… I See You by Holly Lisle


**UPDATED JUNE 30–This Contest is now closed.** 

I used to read Holly Lisle a lot a few years back.  Yeah, those were the days… before kids, every time a new JD Robb, Mercedes Lackey, Nora Roberts book hit the shelf, it was mine and it was read before midnight the day I bought it.

Then kids came.  Slowly, reading started to take a backseat.  Not by choice, but by necessity.  Then the pubbed part of my writing started and reading got relegated to the trunk.  Yes, the past year I have been making more of effort to read.  It recharges the brain batteries and it relaxes me.

In my efforts to make myself read more, I started skimming my old favorites and while I was doing that, I saw one of my old fantasy books, a Holly Lisle/Mercedes Lackey book.  Lisle!  I remember her…she cowrote something with Mercedes Lackey, urban fantasy with elves before LOTR made them so popular…then I remembered seeing her mentioned a time or two on PBW‘s blog.  So I look up her books next time I’m at the store and man, what was I missing?

I See You was an excellent book.  It had a strong capable heroine~a paramedic and something that struck me as cool….the medical part was believable.  I think Lisle is or was a paramedic which explains the plausibility of it.  One of my pet peeves is reading a book with a medical professional that’s inaccurately portrayed.  They almost always get thrown against a wall without being finished.   I See You had an excellent hero, gruff, strong, smart.  It had a wonderful plot and more… I didn’t guess the bad guy half way thru the book.  A lot of romantic suspenses, I guess the bad guy.  I love it when I’m surprised.

It had some spooky shivers down the spine moments and it had some…awwww… moments.  What’s not to like…

So I See You is the book of the month for May.  For those not familiar with BOMContest…each month, I pick a book to discuss.  I do like actual discussion.  The oooh.hhh… I’d like to read this comments aren’t all that interesting, no offense.  If you’ve read it, tell me what you think.  If you haven’t but you’ve read a book in the same genre you think I might like, tell me about it.  Tell us what you’re reading now.  That’s the fun kind of discussion that I like to read.  ;o)

At the end of the month or early part of the next, I draw a winner.  If you’ve read the book, still join in the discussion (even if you didn’t care for it, that’s fine… just remember no bashing.  A simple I didn’t like it because…. works just as good as anything else.)  If you have read it, you get one of my books. If you haven’t read it, I’ll send you an unsigned, new copy of I See You.

The contest is open to everywhere.  If you live in Antartica, might take a little longer, but you can still join and I will still send the book.  😉

From Lisle’s website…

For paramedic Dia Courvant, each day brings the possibility of facing blood and death. But nothing matched the horror of the day she was dispatched to the scene of a terrible car accident and rescued the sole survivor-only to find her own husband dead in the wreckage. Now, four years later, a series of deadly car crashes has brought handsome detective Brig Hafferty into Dia’s life. She’s drawn to Brig, but can she trust him enough to tell him of the terror that stalks her? For Dia has received a message warning her of danger and death-a message that seems to have been sent to her from beyond the grave.

And you can read the first chapter up on her site.

Just a reminder…if you join in the BOMContest, it’s your responsibility to check back to see if you win when I draw the winner.  If you dont’ check back within a few days of me posting the winner (either the very end of the month or the first part of the next), then your prize may be given to another winner!