13 Proud Moments


Time for the Thursday Thirteen!

  1. The birth of each of my children.  (I don’t need to explain any more than that, right?)
  2. They way the DH held by me and supported me after I miscarried our little girl two years ago.  It’s not the easiest thing, I don’t think, for a man to see his wife fall apart.  He didn’t just stand by me and support me and comfort me, he kept me together.
  3. The way the bratlet looked when she broke her first board in taekwondo…so startled, and then thrilled.
  4. How my daughter handled it when her little baby got hurt.  Two years ago, my oldest daughter’s poodle was attacked and badly hurt.  My daughter was freaking out and I told her I needed her to help me while we got help for her poodle.  She was all of six, and she pulled it together so we could do what needed to be done. 
  5. The day last year at Vacation Bible School when my son, then four, got up to pray in front of the entire church.
  6. The day I saw my mass market on sale in KROGERs….
  7. When my son, 3 at the time, started repeating bath the math facts his sister was learning and I realized he wasn’t just memorizing the problems like 5+6, but he actually knew how to figure out the answer and what the answer was.
  8. A few years ago, the kids were playing at a park and some older kid, about the bratlet’s age, was being mean to her little brother, bossing him around and cutting in front of him.  When I overheard this other kid, I headed over there, but before I got there, the bratlet got between them and put the bully in his place.
  9. Looking at my younger brothers and watching them with their kids. 
  10. Watching the kids with their baby sister.
  11. When the bratlet is talking to somebody (usually somebody who’s cutting her hair or the waiter at the restaurant) and she starts talking about things like how moons Jupiter has or why the planet Pluto suddenly isn’t really a planet any more.
  12. The day my bratlet brought me a little story she’d written.  It was a half of a page, only a paragraph or two long, but she had a great hook and she was all of six.
  13. The day we went to Patoka and I watched the DH help my son with his first fishing trip.  And the kid caught like 3 fish.

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