Going to be a boring week…

Here in blogland, at least as far as I am concerned.  I won’t be able to watch any new blog dramas and I won’t be posting too much.

Helping out at the old day job this week until Thursday, when we leave for Atlanta and then Alabama.

Don’t forget the BOMContest. I’ve decided to combine May with June and just do one giveaway for the month… maybe two winners.  If you haven’t done so, go here to join in on the discussion. 

And because I haven’t done one in a while… here are some of my weird blog hits from recent days.

erotic romance f/f/m

Sorry… you won’t find any here.  I’m not into the f/f/m.

why don’t you love shiloh 

Now this is an excellent question.  Why don’t you love me?  ;o)

navy seals cant have asthma 

Okay, I don’t know this from experience, but it sounds pretty reasonable.  Would be a bad thing to be in a life or death situation where a bunch of other lives depend on you… and bam.  Wheezing hits.  The wheezing thing sucks.  That much I do know from experience.


This one just keeps coming up, doesn’t it?

And this week’s winner is…

ebooksshe seduced him, rubbing his cock

Yep.  Somebody typed exactly that phrase into the search engine.  I hope I didn’t use that line in an excerpt or something.  Not terribly romantic, eh?