Guest Blog…by Gabrielle Hewitt

(editor note from Shi**Gabrielle contacted me after I asked for guest bloggers and I appreciate the post~hopefully while you all are reading this, I’m soaking up some sun on the beach)

How many times have you seen the perfect outfit and said “I must buy that for my pooch”?

No need to be shy. With millions of cat and dog lovers out there, you’re in good company. The American Pet Association estimates that there are 74 million house cat owners and 52 million dog owners in America. That’s a lot of kibble, my friends!

But when did the fascination start? Apparently since the dawn of time.

Scientists believe the first dog appeared 40 million year ago. Some speculate that man tamed wolves in the early Neolithic age, creating the first domestic dog, in order to catch food. Cats appeared around the Pliocene period, around 12 million years ago. The first domesticated cats recorded are during the rein of the Egyptian Empire, roughly 4000 BC. They’re depicted eating rats in the grain storage. So much for the image of the pampered feline!

Cats and dogs have occupied various statuses throughout the ages. Egyptians revered cats and worshipped them as gods and goddesses. It was against the law to kill cats under penalty of death. Even Pharaohs were buried with them. On the other hand, dogs were considered vestiges of death in Egypt and usually led and followed funeral processions. Anubis, the god of the underworld is described as half man and half dog. In China cats were given as gifts to the emperor. Buddhist monks in Nepal kept dogs to guard the sacred temples and protect the Dalai Lama. Pilgrims coming to America brought cats aboard ships to eat the rats and heralded them as saviors, while Pope Innocent VII in Italy declared them evil companions of witches. Mayans believed dogs possessed magic healing properties and Aztecs believed cats to be warrior spirits. Marie Antoinette was put to the death clutching her dog during the French uprising.

From folklore to fiction there have been countless stories written about cats and dogs. Early twentieth century readers lapped up Edgar Allen’s The Black Cat and Arthur Conan Doyle’s Hounds of Baskerville. Meanwhile, Chinese folklore tells the tale of how Cat tricked Dog out of food and that is why cat and dog can never be friends. Aesop’s tales are jam-packed with anecdotes about clever cat and heroic dog. Newspapers have Marmaduke and Garfield; television had Lassie and Sagwa, the Chinese Cat; movies touched our hearts with Milo and Otis, Balto and The Aristocats.

Today we see cats lounging on windowsills soaking up sun and dogs running around backyards catching Frisbees. Cats and dogs are still revered and adored by people. They fascinate us as much as the celebrities who tote them around in designer purses. We shower them with love and affection, have come to call them companion, friend, even our little babies.

Still there are thousands of dogs and cats without loving homes. On Saturday, June 9th, I will be attending a very special event near and dear to my heart. The Freeport Humane Society will be holding a Pet-A-Thon. The charity event hopes to raise awareness of dogs and cats in need of some adoration and worship.

I will be at the event with a table full of books for sale. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the charity organization to help with funding for food, cleaning products, facility care and veterinarian services. Also, there will be a raffle for a basket full of the latest romance novels from the coolest authors!

So if you are in the New York Metro Area and are looking for love, you need look no further. Here is the website for more information FREEPORT ANIMAL SHELTER (A NO-KILL shelter) or visit to view a slide show of cats and dogs up for adoption.

Gabriella Hewitt