Guest Blog…by Sybil

editor’s note…yes, I asked Sybil if she wanted to guest blog.  Yes, I told her she could do almost anything.  I didn’t give her many restrictions and actually, for Sybil, she behaved rather well.  I mean… this IS Sybil.

Hope you all enjoy the guest blogs. I officially go on vacation today but I may drop in when I can.  

Some of you all might have seen my call for guest bloggers.  My rules were pretty simple, no outright promo, no personal attacks and no hot spots. 

And yes, knowing Sybil…I feel the need to do a disclaimer.  The guest blogs reflect the thoughts and opinions of those individual guests.  While I may or may not agree, it’s their opinion and they are entitled to them.  Everybody please remember that.


Top Ten Reasons Rabid Fangrrls can be Bad for an Author

sez a reader

10. Listening to someone tell you how wonderful you are all the time, makes it really easy to begin to believe your own press.  LKH anyone?

9.  They scare the normal fans away and keep them from trying your books for fear that path leads to madness.

8.  Things can be funny the first time, the second maybe even the third time but by the time you get to the 10000 in-joke being explained to the 200000 newest member, it just isn’t funny anymore.

7.  The rabid breed more rabid… before you know it you will be in your own Stephen King movie.

6.  Speaking of King… Misery anyone?

5.  While you are off writing your book, one never knows what the rabid could be off doing and like an extremist group off doing crazy things in god’s name, they are doing it in yours.

4.  Would your name look good tattooed on someones ass? 

3.  Much like they keep new fans from trying your books, rabid fans annoy normal fans so much they often will drift away from you or start mocking because it is just too easy.

2.  Being surrounded by nothing but happy, happy, joy, joy all the time can make even constructive critism seem harsh. 

1. Over exposure to the rabid can lead to marrying your fan club pres.  Do I really need to explain why that is bad?

Saying all that, I completely think fangrrls are a good thing.  And any author needs them to hit the many different lists.  And rabid fangrrls, well they need love too.  Just be careful… and you know… don’t get to close *eg*

Sybil Cook
The Good, The Bad and The Unread
Romantic Advances