Scary Movies, Obnoxious Kids and Date Night



Gerald Olin: You do drink don’t you?
Mike Enslin: I did say I was an author

quote found at IMDB movie pic found at Rotten Tomatoes

The DH and I went and saw 1408 last night. Finally got saw a movie that actually had real scary stuff instead of just gore. I liked it enough that I’ll probaby buy it on DVD when it comes out.

It’s weird, but bear in mind, it was written by Stephen King. He’s like the king of weird, isn’t he? I used to love his books, although it’s been ages since I read him. It is one of my fave books. Read it in six grade. No wonder I’m so strange. Both John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson did a great job acting. I haven’t seen many of Cusack’s latest movies, but he did a great job. I guess comic actors can do horror very well.

If you’re into the weird kind of movies, then I’d recommend it.

But I do have to say, I’d enjoy it more if it hadn’t been for a bunch of obnoxious teenagers. Now I know not all teens are obnoxious. I used to be a teen, I know a lot of them, and I see a lot who aren’t so obnoxious you just want to smack them up across the head.

So why do I always end up in a movie theater filled with the annoying ones? The ones who won’t stop talking on their phones, or showing off for friends, or flirting with the girl in the front row? Hell, some of them almost got into a fight. The police ended up getting called and the kids were forced to leave, but this was after the movie.

Now I suppose I could have just ignored the kids. But I don’t ignore things that annoy me all that well. The group in front of me got tired of me asking them to pipe down and they finally did, but on the other side of the theater, what…the rest of the movie goers don’t feel like saying, Excuse me but can you keep it down?

*G* Although I do have some vindication. The girls in front of me that were being annoying… I leaned over her chair at one point in the movie and scared her to death when I asked her to be a little quieter.

The manager at the theater gave everybody who complained tickets to go back and see any movie we wanted for free and I was able to follow the movie so all in all, I can’t complain. But the DH and I decided next time we do a movie…we do the movie before dinner so we don’t have to take the late show.