
People ask me where my ideas come from.

That’s so hard to answer because I don’t always know.  Through The Veil is all on my husband.  I’ll explain that as the book gets closer to being released, but that idea was completely his.  Maybe I’ll buy him a pony if the book sells well.

Hunter’s Pride? Well that one came from watch Animal Planet with my bratlet.  There was this news clip about a pride of lions in Africa saving girl that had been kidnapped.  Bam… there was the idea, a couple of shapeshifting lions help save a girl who’s step-father is brutalizing her.

And now, after a night of very strange, very violent dreams, I have another idea.  Not sure if I want to write it or not, and I might not have to.  It’s just a glimmering right now but it all came from a couple of ugly, not so sweet dreams.