Going Mainstream

Okay, well not exactly. Not that I don’t have ideas out of romance that I want to pursue at some point, but I don’t know if that will ever happen.mammoth.jpg

However, I’m shortly going to have a book that’s shelved on the fiction shelves, versus tucked away in romance.

A little while back, an editor from an editor from a London-based publisher, Constable and Robinson, emailed me about writing a short story for an upcoming Mammoth collection~The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance.

The really cool thing about this is the fact that all these books are considered mainstream…which means more people could possible be exposed to my very strange mind.

😉 I’m all about sharing the weirdness of my mind.

Most of the titles are picked up by an American based publisher, so it’s possible the book will also be available in the States. I don’t know the specifics yet, and I don’t know what sort of story I’ll be writing… since… uh…I haven’t written it yet. I do know it will be a vamp story! See…not totally clueless. Granted, the vampire part would have clued me in if I forgot.

And I do know it’s suppose to release sometime later on in ’08. More details will be posted as I get them.