

It finally happened.

I finally found a science fiction series that appeals to me as much as Stardoc.

Grimspace by Ann Aguirre, which releases today.

And the book is written in first person. I very rarely can get into first person.

Ann and I did a trade. She gave me Grimspace and when I get my e-ARCs of Through the Veil done, I’m sending one of those her way. But now I’m wondering if I rush and get an e-ARC done, if maybe she’d send me her next one if I gave her Through the Veil now. Dunno if she wants it that much, but I definitely want the next Jax book.

I suck at reviews~I’m lousy at explaining just what/why/how a book appeals to me, but I do know when I like one. And I definitely like this. 😉 It’s one of the test drives on my nifty new Sony reader.


If you’re a SF fan, buy Grimspace. I’ll bet you love it. Now, I’m going to get back to my new toy and my new book.