cross-posted with the Vamps and Scamps blog
I’m kidding…right? Well, no….a woman did go to jail for not returning two books/paying the fine/not appearing in court.
And yep, I’m serious…Go look. A woman checked out White Oleander and Angels & Demons last year. Didn’t return them. And viola…she got arrested because she wouldn’t give them up. I mean, ya know, you can probably find them on the discount table at a Borders or B&N, right? So if they are that important, eh, well I’d want brand new, fresh clean books that were mine all mine.
Okay, so yep, I’ve got books I wouldn’t give up for love or money…although I wouldn’t want to go to jail over them. Basically, she stole these books, right? Libraries are for loaning, not keeping.
Since I paid for my wouldn’t-part-with-books fair and square, or somebody gave them to me, I think I’m safe. But the books I won’t part with?
The list goes something like this:
- The Ghost of Opaline by Peggy Bacon (I paid $250 for that sucker, I’m NOT giving it up)
- the Stardoc series (for those who are here regularly…SL Viehl…need I say more?)
- My Little House on the Prairie series (yep, I’m serious…this is one of the sets that got me hooked on reading)
- the IN DEATH series…(JD Robb…need I say more?)
- Mercedes Lackey’s Wind Trilogy (I so love Darkwind and Elspeth)
- Nora Roberts Irish Jewels trilogy (Nora!!!)
- My Jessica Hall books ( Hall is aka SL Viehl…enough said)
I’ve got lots of faves, lots of keepers, but these are the ones with the most prominent spot, so to speak, on my keeper case…*G*… I got an entire bookcase now devoted to keepers, thanks to my DH. I adore him.
These are the books I don’t see me parting with…what about you?