Lovely thought

The post below is for the 70 Days of Sweat Challenge.  I’m down to blog today and couldn’t think of anything, and ended up doing a search for quotes.  Found a good one and wanted to share.

The clock’s ticking…

And I banged my head (for a few seconds at least) trying to figure out something uber-motivating and thought-provoking, something that would make that story burn inside you and the only way to put the fire out was to get the words out.

However my brain is bled dry from all the words I’ve pounded out, from edits, from too many late nights, so I’ll let somebody else do the inspiring. I found this quote over at and damn, I’ve got to say, it did the trick for me.

“Forget all the rules. Forget about being published. Write for yourself and celebrate writing.”-by Melinda Haynes

So with time starting to wind down us, keep at it. Write for yourself. Write for the sake of the story. Just write.