- 08:00 Morning world….I wanna be back in bed. #
- 08:10 Day 9 of the 30 Day Giveaway… shilohwalker.wordpress.com #
- 08:18 Had to get another steroid injection in my wrist yesterday…it’s kinda sore today. #
- 10:54 So if I go running and then eats something REALLY REALLY bad for me… do they cancel each other out? #
- 11:01 RT @sjday: Microsoft bans as many as 600K software pirates: bit.ly/1d9bQ #
- 11:17 @LisaReneeJones if you’re allergic to mold, it’s probably the leaves. Mold tends to collect on them, especially in mild weather #
- 11:19 So while I was out this am, had inspiration for two different stories strike. The problem? I can’t even think about writing either 1 yet. #
- 11:19 RT @ErrantDreams: RT @aspca: Animal Poison Control FAQ Common questions that can save your pet’s life. bit.ly/sWUt2 #
- 11:20 And even more frustrating? One of the ideas wasn’t even the book’s BEGINNING. It was LINE BY LINE, the ending of a book. #
- 11:20 The ending of a book I haven’t even though about writing. head-> desk. #
- 11:21 @TeresaMedeiros oh, dear God. I don’t even want to know what you’re talking about, I don’t think #
- 11:26 @TeresaMedeiros my curiosity got the better of me. I googled. Didn’t watch the video though. Curiosity satisfied by google. #
- 11:29 Happy Birthday, Richelle RT @mark_henry: It’s @RichelleMead’s birthday today! Let’s hear it for Red! #
- 11:29 #iamwriting going to get a little bit of work done now. I think. I hope. At least that’s the plan…. #
- 11:30 RT @mcvane: That’s terrible. RT @meganf Absolutely reprehensible: bit.ly/2EXiRa #
- 11:55 @LisaReneeJones yep. they’re almost always damp and the lower layers of leaves don’t get much air or light once they are on the ground #
- 11:55 @LisaReneeJones prime conditions for mold to grow. 😉 #
- 12:12 @sylday that was the article I read… and part of why I dont’ care enough to watch the video. Whatever happened to sportsmanship? #
- 12:46 @Eve_Silver well, i’m sure your kids saw no problem… LMAO. The mama, though? Could be a different story. #
- 12:51 @Eve_Silver well, I’m impressed by your oldest, then. If my DH offered the kids a chance to blow off homework for video games? #
- 12:51 @Eve_Silver they’d be all over that. hell, they’d probably offer the DH ice cream. #
- 12:56 To clarify…: wp.me/p2E96-Yo #
- 13:06 @Eve_Silver I often feel that way #
- 19:38 took a trip this afternoon to the American Printing House for the Blind. Very cool. #
- 19:52 is anybody having twitter/facebook issues… #
- 20:13 grrrr… tweetdeck is anoying me #
- 20:13 Day 9 of the 30 Day Giveaway…. bit.ly/1hFcv #
- 20:14 @msbookjunkie so do I say I’m sorry… or thank you…. 🙂 #
- 20:16 Since November is Thanksgiving, I’m gonna ramble off some things I’m thankful for between now and Turkey Day #
- 20:16 Today? I’m thankful for healthy kids. (Okay, I’m thankful EVERY day…but that’s today’s ‘thankful’) #
- 21:29 am drinking the yummiest strawberry wine ever. #
- 21:29 and while i’m drinking the yummiest ever strawberry wine, I’m trying to make sense of Google Wave. Trying…and failing… #
- 21:34 @limecello is from a local winery-huber’s winery. Strawberry Dessert Wine. Is like strawberry shortcake. #
- 21:34 @roslynholcomb :OP Maybe you should tweet again. #
- 21:36 Heh. I can do this. Since my agent knows I’m a worrywort, she assigns me projects to worry abt-like Global Warming #thingsmyagentdoesforme #
- 21:37 @limecello is so very yummy. so very very yummy. #
- 21:41 @Alessia_Brio beats the hell outta me…. O_O #
- 21:41 @patricemichelle hmmmm…. maybe I should pour another glass, then? #
- 21:42 @limecello weeeellllll… maybe. Or maybe I’m just trying to share the sensory pleasure. #
- 21:47 @limecello now, I’m not lying…. seriously. I wanna share. If sharing the sensory delight also has the side benefit of teas
ing, well… # - 21:47 @limecello everybody needs a hobby, right? 😉 #
- 21:48 FYI, @patricemichelle LIED. I’ve had more strawberry wine and google wave still makes no sense. #
- 21:51 @limecello well, if you lived in the Louisville area, you could have it. Some really good local wineries around here #
- 21:54 @limecello but it’s really, really good… *G* Hey, you could always make a trip. Come for a booksigning, visit wineries…. *G* #
- 21:55 Snicker. I am amused. Really, really amused. (yes, I’m often easily amused, but still…that’s NOT the point) #
- 22:02 Ok, I’m done trying to make sense of google wave. I suspect it’s an organized person’s tool. I lack organizational genes. #
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