- 22:04 What I’m tweeting about: wp.me/p2E96-10I #
- 08:15 it is scary what happens to my email when I’m gone a day. Why must it explode like that. #
- 08:25 @katiebabs is given away a demon sheep. *yes, you read that right…a contest for a demon sheep* bit.ly/6VIRZp #
- 08:25 @anyabast actually sounds like an interesting start to a book…. #
- 09:17 Making chili-bright and early. O_O. Pitch in dinner at church after service today and this is the easiest thing I can think of. #
- 09:17 it’s too early to make anything other than bacon and eggs, if you ask me. #
- 10:04 @nightsmusic i think it runs around. #
- 16:25 If you entered the 30 Day Giveaway, make sure you check to see if you won… bit.ly/87LIWX #
- 16:26 @anyabast Imminent death could put a pall on things, I reckon. #
- 18:04 @YasmineGalenorn alien pig love slave? That’s …. disturbing.@marjoriemliu #
- 20:14 @juljames it takes me than a lawyer to win in negotiations when a toddler is involved. #
- 20:15 crud.. @juljames it takes MORE than a lawyer to win in negotiations against a toddler. not me… MORE #
- 20:21 @YasmineGalenorn Nazis and alien pigs…. yasmine… I think that has outweirded all of my weird dreams. combined. #
- 20:29 @YasmineGalenorn hmmmmm…. I’ll go with no comment. #
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