Ilona Andrews sucks. Yep.
Now, before anybody tries to scalp me…anybody who reads my blog on a semi-regular basis has probably noticed that I’ve mentioned these books a time or two. I’m kind of…well…enamored with them. They are becoming my crack. They are moving up there my keeper shelf with the ranks of SL Viehl and JD Robb.
So why does Ilona suck?
Because I can’t sleep much more than a few hours lately and here is why.
For the past fricking week, I’m staying up reading. And re-reading these books. I can’t stop. I think she put something on the pages that made it impossible to put down.
*G* Yeah. Book 4… LMAO. I dunno if I’d mentioned that. She let me read it. It’s awesome. Beyond. Actually…all of them are. Awesome to the point that I’m sleep deprived. In the past week, I’ve read them all (again) and I might even do it again.