Japan…looking for a way to help out?

I posted this back when the quakes hit China a while back…figured I’d repost again.

image via thedailymaverick.co.za

the below is from reposted 5/16/2008

When I’m checking out a charity, one of the first things I check is their annual report. I give to a couple on a regular basis. I’ve been blessed and I like to do what I can to help others. But I do want to know my money is going to an efficient charity.

Charities, at least in the US, are required to disclose how much of their monies go to their program, to fundraising, to ‘other’ (often administration). A little checking around can give you an idea if they put their money where their mouth is.

Some money is required for fundraising and for the full time employees. As much as some people might like to be able to do it for free, not many people are independently wealthy-so paychecks? A good thing. But I do like to see the places I give to focusing most of their moneys on their programs. Anything above 80% works well for me. But that is something each individual needs decide for him/herself.

Here are some that I think are beyond outstanding:

If you have a certain charity in mind and you want to check them out, try the Charity Navigator, an independent group that evaluates charities.


Edited in on 3/11/2011 specifically for the Japanese quakes…

Check out this page if you’re looking for a charity that has a presence in Japan…they have a number of charities listed-some are already active in Japan, others are mobilizing.