Friday 56…more from Stolen

The 56th page on this keeps changing since I’m editing it, so lets go with it.


“She hung up on me.”

Leaning away from the desk, Darcy Montgomery stared at the computer.

The vivid, bold colors of Shay’s latest book served as her screensaver—Darcy dabbled in graphics and she was always making up things like this for Shay.  Not that Shay ever did much with them.

Too happy to stay locked up inside her own little world, Darcy mused.

About the Friday 56

  • Grab the book nearest you. Right now
  • Turn to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
  • Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
  • Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

4 Replies to “Friday 56…more from Stolen”

  1. As I drove deeper into the city, the watermarks grew higher till they reached roof level. Houses leaned to the south where the wind had howled in from the north and threatened to blow them off their brick and concrete piers. A few had collapsed, but most tilted drunkenly.

    — ROYAL STREET by Suzanne Johnson

    I haven’t started this yet, but technically it was closest and open on my Nook because I just downloaded it yesterday.

  2. “Need to know you were talking to a beautiful woman or that your beautiful wife looks just like her dead cousin…? Which don’t you want her knowing?” IF YOU KNOW HER by Shiloh Walker

    It really was the book closest to me 🙂

  3. “Bloody hell, but she was beset by the craving to touch him, test the strength in those shoulders.

    Firelight by Kristen Callihan

  4. The Guises riposted by claiming that the royal blood of Charlemagne flowed in their veins,
    which, they said, entitled them to the highest place at the French court. This in turn led to their detractors to accuse them of aiming at the very throne of France.

    MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS by Antonia Fraser

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