Mini-snippet from Night Blade, other stuff

this is just a mini snippet…the rest is over at the J.C. blog…I’m working on merging the blogs into one, but need to wait for my web lady to help me figure that out.

I heard another grunt come across the line.  “This is a bad time. I’ll be quick.”

“Nah.  Chang and Doyle are with me.  We’re mostly done.  This is the last of it and I’m letting Doyle handle a lot of it.  Needs to get the shine off him.”  There was another grunt, followed by a roar that hurt my ears even through the phone.  “We’re just about done here.  Only a few hours away.  Have dinner with me tonight?”

“Can’t.”  As I passed around the desk, I grabbed my sword and nudged the cooler with my foot.  “I’m going to be out of town for a few days–courier thing to the Smokies.  MacDonald with the wolves is paying me to deliver some heads.”

“Ah, gimme a second.”

I heard a roar–I recognized that one, a deep, barking sort of roar, unlike anything a lion or tiger would make.  Damon’s creature was a leopard, a rare one, although very few realized just how rare he was.  I knew.  I had no idea if anybody else did.  Chang might.  But for all I knew, that was it.

A few seconds and one scream later, and he was back on the phone. “Did you just say you were delivering some heads?”

BLADE SONG is still one sale for a few more days…  please note, I removed BN from the list because for some reason, the price went back up before it was supposed to, but you can get epub format from ARe.  I’ve emailed my contact to see if they can get BN to readjust the price again but I don’t know if that will happen.  I’m sorry… it’s been my week (season) for weird, crazy things to happen.

Amazon | iBookstore | ARe/OmniLit 

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