Many of you know that back in the fall, I lost my mind and did some bad things on the STOLEN blog tour.  (Make sure you read…conest-y stuff!)

I apologize.  I did a bad, bad thing and I learned my lesson.  I won’t break into the houses of my friends and hold their secrets for hostage ever again (unless it’s a really, really good book) and to show everybody how sorry I am, I’m doing a making amends tour where I publicly apologize on the blogs…um, most of the blogs…and eat crow and try to fix things instead of steal and cause mayhem.

So, how do I fix things…hmmm… I know!!! Valentine’s Day is coming up…A good thing to fix! Lovers!  Let’s reunite some lovers…(sensing a theme here?  First I stole things with STOLEN, now I’m reuniting things with THE REUNITED…work with me…)

Reunited… like these two…

“I’ve got enough to deal with, just on my own.  I don’t need your crap, too.”

“I’m sorry,” Joss whispered.  He laid his hand on her neck, fingers spread wide so he could stroke his thumb along her lip, feel the graceful curve of her neck under his hand, the silk of her hair along his fingers.  “It’s not an excuse, but you need to understand…” He trailed off, tried to figure out the best way to explain the truly fucked up mess that was his head.  “The gifts that are in my head aren’t…mine.  And I’m little screwed up over them at the moment.  Actually, I’ve been screwed up over that for a while now and it’s…I can’t think clear.  Nothing’s clear.  Except how I feel about you.  And I know it can’t be done, Dru.”  Dipping his head, he took a chance, a quick kiss, desperate as hell, pressed to her mouth.  “It can’t be done.  It never started.”

She twisted away from him, staring at the headboard.  Very intently, it seemed. Probably so she wouldn’t have to look at him. A soft shudder racked her and he groaned, feeling the rippling of her body under his.  Killing him, damn it.  Just killing him…

reunited button


This time around, I actually asked for participation and asked nicely, and I asked for prizes instead of blackmailing…see?  I’m learning!

Want to know some of the people going along with me this time?

Carly Phillips

Ruthie Knox

Jaci Burton

Elle Kennedy

Lauren Dane

And yes…we are doing prizes and we’re talking about lovers.  The most important star-crossed lovers of our time, of all time.  Han Solo and Princess Leia.  Romeo and Juliet. Kermit and Miss Piggy.

Want to know what you can win?  How about some book money?  How about some books? Maybe even some sweets and treats and goodies?

Some of the prizes…

$50 GC to Amazon, BN, BAMM or ARe (Winner’s Choice) from Shiloh Walker

SERENDIPITY, DESTINY or KARMA by by Carly Phillips – book or eBook

One of Five Downloads of Ruthie Knox’s HOW TO MISBEHAVE

ARC of THROWN BY A CURVE from Jaci Burton

The BOUND BY MAGICK books from Lauren Dane

STOLEN by Shiloh Walker

MIDNIGHT ALIAS from Elle Kennedy

Check back with us the last week of January through the first week of February and see how I’m trying to fix things, rather than break things. (I’ll break things in April…that’s when WRECKED comes out.)

Hosting blogs:

Under The Covers 1/28

The Book Tart 1/30

Gigi’s Consignment 2/1

Fiction Vixen  2/4

Book Pushers 2/ 6

Book Vixen 2/8



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