About those Barnes Boys

zach snippet

I’m getting a lot of questions about whether Zach’s brothers will be getting books, whether this is the start of series, etc.

Specifically, people are asking about Zane and Trey.  (Trey kinda surprised me…I would have thought it would be Sebastian, cuz he’s such an ass…lol).

Anyway, the answer is… I don’t know.

I’d like to, but…well, a lot of that is up to readers and whether or not the publisher thinks people want more.  And I don’t just mean a handful.  If WRECKED does really well?  They are going to be more inclined to give it a shot, I would think.  If WRECKED doesn’t do well?


The best I can do is put together a proposal (which I did, for Zane).  If you all want to help, you can review WRECKED.  Tell your friends about it.  Talk to your book clubs about it, chat about it on Goodreads, facebook, twitter, etc.

All that word of mouth boost sales and that’s the sort of thing that will matter, in the long run, when the publishers decide whether or not they want to take chance on more books about those Barnes boys.