Wrapping up a series…

I’m just about done (probably will be by the time this posts) with the next book in The Grimm’s Circle series.

I bawled through the second to the last chapter. Something really rough happened-caught me by surprise. As I’m not a plotter, exactly, I didn’t see this coming, but knowing what I knew about this series, I’m not surprised.

I’ve been planning to wrap it up for a while and this puts me in the position to do just that. As sales were dropping off, it seems like the ideal time to get it done, but I didn’t want to leave it hanging–I don’t like doing that, but sometimes, you’re almost left with no choice. Fortunately, I can make the choice here and I’m hoping there’s one more go left in me.

There’s one line in it that left me really choked up…

He stole a bit of it, though, then and there, pressing his mouth to hers. “If I could have let myself, I would have loved you.”


Anyway.  I’ll post more on what’s up with the book when I know.

To those who’ve been waiting, thanks for being patient.  If by chance you haven’t read it and you’re curious?  You can read a free story here on my site.

2 Replies to “Wrapping up a series…”

  1. AGH! I can’t wait to read this one, an the next. I’ve loved this series. I hate to see it come to an end, but I must admit I’m anxious for some of these last stories 🙂

  2. Love the Grimm series. It introduced me to your work, and I have been addicted ever since. I am sorry to see it go…But there are always rereads. I don’t really reread a lot, but Grimm is an exception. Thanks for a lot of enjoyable hours spent in that world.

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