Tea Time With Kit


Are you following my kickstarter? You have a chance to get some one-of-a-kind hand-made goodies from yours truly as well as a revised edition of Blade Song with all new cover art and custom illustrations.

Are you following my Kickstarter?

The one that will get you this gorgeous new cover?

shows an illustration of Kit, a young woman with white-blonde hair and green eyes. She's dressed in black with a utility jack and trousers, her mid-riff bare. She has fingerless glove and is brandishing a sword. The background is a cityscape at night with the full moon framing her.

It goes live in July but if you are at all interested in…

  • all new updated cover art
  • all new bonus chapter told from Damon’s POV
  • updated interior formatting
  • illustrations

You really should be following. The eBook tier is $7 and will include all of the above and if you are willing to pay S&H, I’ll send you an adorable chibi of Kit & Damon. It’s a polaroid!!! These will only be available via the Kickstarter and in-person events and to members of my Patreon once the Kickstarter is over.

'polaroid' of Kit and Damon - chibi art of Kit and Damon

See the chibi? The artwork was done by angellinix of artistsnclients.com and I adore it.

If you’re not familiar with how Kickstarter works, here’s a handy, dandy infographic.

New to Kickstarter? Here's how it works. 

Register. (at kickstarter.com/signup) then return to campaign page - https://kck.st/3wrxhxc (shows a pencil graphic 

Pick a pledge.  - you can only pledge once. Choose wisely - shows a puzzled stick figure

Share to help reach goal. - this is an ALL OR NOTHING CAMPAIGN - shows a graphic saying SHARE!

Survey. Wait for your reward and enjoy. - icon of a digital survey. Surveys are how I get the info to get your goodies to you.

Sit back and enjoy - you get your goodies. We're all happy!

And that’s it… it’s easy. A one-time pledge and you get a gorgeous new edition of Kit’s first story and possibly lots more, if you choose.

The print edition will likely only be available via the kickstarter and at in-person events, so if you are intrigued, follow along for updates.

Rewards include some goodies made by hand…frex, this hand-etched mug. My model wasn’t too enthusiastic about the idea.

hand-etched tea mug showing a big cat's face.