Blade’s End – announcement & apologies – Update, updated

Update below

Okay, first up, I am so sorry. This is completely my error.

I’m aware there’s an issue with the file of Blade’s End. I found out toward the end of the work day yesterday afternoon. I reuploaded the right file and sent a follow-up email to my distributors to make sure they could push the file through to the ebook platforms – Kindle/Kobo/etc. They did let me know it is showing Amazon’s end, but I don’t know if it takes longer to populate, even if they show that Amazon has received it. I’m assuming it must, because it’s going on twenty-four hours since I became aware of the problem. And if it’s that situation at one, it will likely be the same at the others.

As soon as I get an update, I’ll post it here.

If you still want the book, there’s no need to return it as the file itself should update once it populates throughout the system.

Again, I’m really sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t post here earlier, but I was having issues logging into my website.

FYI, for those who want to be updated as soon as I have news, click on the subscribe button on the blog.

Hello… Okay, I heard from the team at my distributor.

This is what I was told.

This updated file has now successfully processed on Amazon and is the one correctly feeding out. When people purchase an older file, sometimes they have to reach out to the Kindle team to have the newest file refed to their device if it doesn’t update automatically.

To receive assistance from the Kindle Customer team contact the following:

To contact Kindle via phone:

To contact Kindle via chat: 

I’m so sorry this has been such a hassle. I’d thought the file would automatically update, but it doesn’t seem to be the case for most people.


I’ve been advised it could take up to 48 hours for the process to complete. I’d say I’m sorry again, but I think I sound like a broken record at this point.

Update to the update

With links and suggestions. I’d advise waiting until Wednesday night or Thursday. This will let the files work their way through the platform.

To receive assistance from the Kindle Customer team contact the following:

To contact Kindle via phone:

To contact Kindle via chat:

FYI: This process will probably take about 24-48 hours to work through the system. If the file doesn’t update by tomorrow night or THURSDAY: contact Amazon.

When you contact them via chat, scroll to the bottom and look for ‘chat with admin’ or something to that effect. Select an option along the lines of ‘problem with order’. You’ll need to talk to a person, but it makes you go through the steps. So it will try to make you search for the item. Grab the last four numbers of the order from your ‘digital orders’ – you should be able to find the option here on the menu once you log in.

The chatbot STILL won’t be able to find the orders, but then you should be able to see an option for ‘still need help’? Then you get the option to ‘chat with an associate’. That’s what you need.

Tell them the author is an idiot and the file you received was wrong.
You need the updated file pushed through to your device.
They’ll want the correct device. You can find THAT info here, once you’re logged in.
Do not get off the chat until you’ve checked.

FYI, I will update on social media AND my blog when I know the files are correctly distributing.

And yes, you can honestly tell them I’m an idiot.