Questions I hear a lot about books, mine or others. Usually others. 😉 Not too many foaming at the mouth over mine yet. Why does “Edits”
Author: shilohwalker
It finally happened. I finally found a science fiction series that appeals to me as much as Stardoc. Grimspace by Ann Aguirre, which releases today. “Grimspace”
Drastic Measures
And here’s another new cover… Drastic Measures is going into the EXOTICA line, but it’s still a romance. The main reason it’s going into the “Drastic Measures”
What was I thinking…
Okay, logically I knew when I decided to go to Romantic Times ’08 convention, I was going to have to plan on some promo. I “What was I thinking…”
13 Promo Ideas I Vetoed
I spent a very long weekend going blind looking for promo stuff and in effort to cheer myself up, I found myself at PBW’s blog “13 Promo Ideas I Vetoed”
Buckling down
So on March 1, the next round of 70 Days of Sweat starts. The past two rounds have really done me a lot of good. “Buckling down”