Have you ever come across somebody that really, and I do mean really, needed an intervention? Somebody that made such huge mistakes that you “Intervention”
Author: shilohwalker
More on Mondays
Hmmmmm…. okay, I have a booksigning thing coming up this week. What do I need more of for that? Hmmmmm…. Promo junk. I rarely mess “More on Mondays”
It's never a good idea for an author…
Okay, listen up. It’s never a good idea for an author or any other publishing professional to try taking on a reader in a public “It's never a good idea for an author…”
The third?
This was one of my blog hits last week the third shiloh walker Man, and I thought I was an original. Yes, folks. I “The third?”
A little bit of this, a little of that…a new cover…the contest
Just a reminder about August/September’s BOMContest. I got an email the other day… :O) I have a new print release coming from Ellora’s Cave. And “A little bit of this, a little of that…a new cover…the contest”
13 Reasons this will be a lame TT for me
13 Reasons this will be a lame TT for me I sorta forgot to get my TT done. I got called into help cover at “13 Reasons this will be a lame TT for me”