Thursday Thirteen for when I’ve got the blahs… 1. manicures… when I can find the time 2. using a cleaning lady. and actually, even though “Thirteen little pick me ups”
Author: shilohwalker
Women's Fiction Book Meme
Jaci apparently decided I needed to work today. Contemporary, Historical, or Paranormal? Contemporary or paranormal. I have to be in the mood for historicals. Hardback “Women's Fiction Book Meme”
Ten things you can’t prepare for.
1. Getting married. 2. Having a baby, and not just because of the pregnancy and labor part. 3. Sending your first child off to school “Ten things you can’t prepare for.”
Crazy Hot ~the first BOMC~
Today, I’m kicking off a new blog contest, a regular one. Each month, I’ll pick a book to talk about. I’m going to try to “Crazy Hot ~the first BOMC~”
Dark Protector by Alexis Morgan
This week’s book… Dark Protector by Alexis Morgan. I picked it up a while ago, probably back in the fall, and it ended up lost in “Dark Protector by Alexis Morgan”
War of the Worlds
” No one would have believed in the early years of the 21st century that our world was being watched by intelligences greater than our “War of the Worlds”