22:02 @YasmineGalenorn already got something sorta planned for july so for this year, romancon is out. # 22:02 @juljames I made myself do it, just “What I'm tweeting about”
Author: shilohwalker
Winner of the last faves contest…
We have a winner, courtesy of randomizer.org The winner is LisaF who commented: Happy New Year! I would love a chance to win these because “Winner of the last faves contest…”
What I'm tweeting about
22:02 What I’m tweeting about: wp.me/p2E96-13i # tweets below the cut!
Let's talk 'master resale rights' and ebooks
Okay, I’m hoping some people out there researching ‘master resell rights’ stumble onto this page. Or I hope some of the people mistakenly claiming to “Let's talk 'master resale rights' and ebooks”
What I'm tweeting about
23:04 So I finally saw this movie: wp.me/p2E96-133 # 23:53 @LarissaIone bite me, Ione :OP I just got back from date night. Don’t need no “What I'm tweeting about”
So I finally saw this movie
The bratlet’s been wanting to see it so I went ahead and bought the DVD for her for Christmas and we watched it last night. “So I finally saw this movie”