Your Mission: Help me win. The Obstacle: MELJEAN BROOK… she’s a tough opponent. The good news… she’s in her writing cave and we can do “#dabwaha Ladies and gentlemen… your mission, should you choose to accept it”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
A bit of a bribe…prior to #dabwaha voting… BROKEN BLADE!
FYI… do not read if you haven’t read NIGHT BLADE.
Passing on the love…
Recently two of my children has discovered the love of two books that I love madly. Baby bratlet discovered this one… Source: viashiloh on “Passing on the love…”
The WRECKing it up Author tour
Starts today. But not here. Over here! With Thea!
#DABWAHA!!! You all did it! Thank you! Let’s do it again! Bribe!
So, I promised a bribe for getting me into the tournament. Which is…I’ll post that in a minute. Here’s the deal. If you help me advance, “#DABWAHA!!! You all did it! Thank you! Let’s do it again! Bribe!”
Oh, she needs him, all right…
Saturday Snippets! I Need A Hero! From WRECKED… “You burned it good.” “That’s why I’m putting it under cold water,” he said, his voice grouchy. “Oh, she needs him, all right…”