“Ah, yes,” the guide murmured, a smug, pleased little smile curving her lips as she glanced from the scene in front of them to Eben. “Flashback Friday… His Christmas Cara”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
am elsewhere today… over here, at the Smutketeers blog. There are prizes. 🙂 Who is done Christmas shopping? Not me. O.O
Guest blog from Lynn Viehl… also known as …the day Shiloh curled into a ball and cried
Contest is OVER. No comments posted after 12/7/2012 will be entered… winner posted next week… thank you! Why? Because I CAN’T WIN THINGS ON MY “Guest blog from Lynn Viehl… also known as …the day Shiloh curled into a ball and cried”
Saturday Snippets…CELEBRATION! Also…NEW COVER!!!
They had just left a party… that’s a celebration, right? From BEAUTIFUL SCARS, erotic contemporary romance due out in ebook in January. And… LOOK IT!
Flashback Friday
And look! This has pretty new cover… He looked awfully young to be a Santa, Vikky mused as she lowered her butt onto his thigh. “Flashback Friday”
So… this was this morning
I’m not exactly sure what to think. You? (It’s a slideshow…give a minute.)