“Ah, yes,” the guide murmured, a smug, pleased little smile curving her lips as she glanced from the scene in front of them to Eben. “Flashback Friday… His Christmas Cara”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
am elsewhere today… over here, at the Smutketeers blog. There are prizes. Who is done Christmas shopping? Not me. O.O
Guest blog from Lynn Viehl… also known as …the day Shiloh curled into a ball and cried
Contest is OVER. No comments posted after 12/7/2012 will be entered… winner posted next week… thank you! Why? Because I CAN’T WIN THINGS ON MY “Guest blog from Lynn Viehl… also known as …the day Shiloh curled into a ball and cried”
Saturday Snippets…CELEBRATION! Also…NEW COVER!!!
They had just left a party… that’s a celebration, right? From BEAUTIFUL SCARS, erotic contemporary romance due out in ebook in January. And… LOOK IT!
Flashback Friday
And look! This has pretty new cover… He looked awfully young to be a Santa, Vikky mused as she lowered her butt onto his thigh. “Flashback Friday”
So… this was this morning
I’m not exactly sure what to think. You? (It’s a slideshow…give a minute.)