I’ve had a lot of people asking me things about what/how/why I did things with Blade Song (focusing on the ebook…technically, the print version that’s “Self pub & BLADE SONG”
Author: Shiloh Walker
Today’s post is over at my J.C. Blog…
I really need to figure out a way to combine the two blogs. One site. Two blogs. O.O Anyway… It’s over there. Right there…
Happy Labor Day
Has nothing to do with Labor Day, really…except, well, I labored when I took it. Was running on Second Street Bridge. And now I’m not? “Happy Labor Day”
Happy Labor Day
Has nothing to do with Labor Day, really…except, well, I labored when I took it. Was running on Second Street Bridge. And now I’m not? “Happy Labor Day”
Saturday Snippets…Fireworks!
This is kind of a slow, subtle buildup to the big fireworks…but you’ll have to read the book for the big kaboom. Out 10.30.2012…from STOLEN “Saturday Snippets…Fireworks!”
Night Blade snippet
This is completely unedited. Just be warned. Looking at a release date in early 2013. “What did you just say, bitch?” “Damn it, Sam, be “Night Blade snippet”