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Author: Shiloh Walker
And today… I’m here…
Hunter’s Rise, the final Hunter book is out. (If you hadn’t heard, the series is ending…you can read about that here). I’d like to send “And today… I’m here…”
Hunter’s Rise…Releasing tomorrow
Just a heads-up… this book may not be widely available in your local stores, so if you want it, you might want to have them “Hunter’s Rise…Releasing tomorrow”
And if I time this right, it should be available on Kindle right about…now. In the dead of night, Lena Riddle wakens to hear screaming “IF YOU HEAR HER for the UK…”
Mail for a soldier…
Just mail right now… PV2 Finley, Cody CJTF D co. 1-12 INF JCOP Redhill APO – AE 09354 new soldier, only 19…would love to get “Mail for a soldier…”
Vacation…and things about life and writing
Three weeks ago, I ended up sick. Pretty bad sick and I had the pleasure of being lectured about my asthma and caring for it. “Vacation…and things about life and writing”