It’s Snippet time… Saturday snippets…winter! Staring at it, his heart racing, he wondered. Was this the end of it, then? Had they found her? He “Saturday Snippets”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
The Friday 56…mystery book…
O.o I got to read this last week. It was awesome The plants were finally coming back – kudzu draped a crumbling wall here and “The Friday 56…mystery book…”
Writer Wednesday… Myla Jackson…
Today’s writer wednesday is …Myla Jackson What’s the one thing that remains unchanged during your writing process, from one book to another? (ie: Intensive plotting? “Writer Wednesday… Myla Jackson…”
Giving back…
December isn’t always the easiest month for a lot of people. My family is blessed. We’ve got a roof over our heads, we’ve got the “Giving back…”
…Gotta stay on track
Saturday Snippets
It’s Snippet time… Saturday snippets…family. This one is a dysfunctional family, but hey…it’s family. But their family had a lot of bygone traits and skills. “Saturday Snippets”