We’re giving away a Nook…contest starts in a couple of weeks. Check it out… and if you blog & help spread the word, you can “Win a Nook!”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
Hunter’s Rise…
Can we say… nice… Excerpt here…
Saturday Snippets…Author’s Choice
Hmmm. Author’s Choice. That would be that one…no. This one…no. Dang it. Decisions, decisions. How about this one… If You Hear Her Bad idea, very “Saturday Snippets…Author’s Choice”
The Friday 56… Stolen
Stolen…??? *G* It’s my WIP. And it’s literally the closest. At all times right now. Here’s the 5th line from the 56th page. She hid “The Friday 56… Stolen”
So I’ve got a galley of IF YOU HEAR HER A CRY IN THE WOODS The scream Lena Riddle hears in the woods behind her “IF YOU HEAR HER… ARC GIVEAWAY”
Writer Wednesdays… Sarah Makela
Today’s Writer Wednesday is Sarah Makela What’s the one thing that remains unchanged during your writing process, from one book to another? (ie: Intensive plotting? “Writer Wednesdays… Sarah Makela”