Today’s Grimm Guest…Thea Harrison Blurb: He’s a wyr warrior, a god of storms. She’s the heir to the Dark Fae throne. But desire will bring “Grimm Guest…Thea Harrison”
Author: Shiloh Walker
Locked in Silence…Random Snippets
She hurt. Vanya thought the pain would choke her—either the pain or the blood. Fear dominated her mind, swamped her. I’m here, somebody whispered through “Locked in Silence…Random Snippets”
Grimm Guest…Allison Pang…
Today’s Grimm Guest…Allison Pang Even though I don’t specifically write or rewrite fairy tales (yet, although I really am itching to do a retelling of “Grimm Guest…Allison Pang…”
The earlier Hunter books…
This fall, the rights on the earlier Hunter books, Hunters Declan & Tori, Eli & Sarel, Jonathan & Lori, Byron & Kit, etc begin reverting “The earlier Hunter books…”
Saturday Snippets…an important date…
Today’s snippet is from Locked in Silence. the theme is an important date…the heroine has a date with destiny…I figure that counts. And “Saturday Snippets…an important date…”
Random Snippets…Locked in Silence
You’re not alone, he thought as he brushed a lock of hair back from her face, still holding her other hand in his. His hands itched “Random Snippets…Locked in Silence”