So on Twitter, you’ll see a hasthag thing on Wednesdays… a #WW one. The hashtags are just used to mark identify certain topics and stuff…like “Writer Wednesdays #WW”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
Blog reboot
Just a heads-up, comments are off for this…I’m not looking for strokes or pats or anything, just stating a few things. I’m tired. I realize “Blog reboot”
For the dads…
Happy Father’s Day… (No, this isn’t us-it’s from Dreamstime)
A silly Saturday snippet
On Thursday, I was editing my novella, The Unwilling (same world as THE MISSING) which will be in the Hot in Handcuffs antho with Sylvia “A silly Saturday snippet”
Guest blogging at Borders…
And this should wrap up my guest blogging. I think. Guest blogging today at Borders True Romance
Proof positive that there are weirder people than me…
So I have a friend who helps me with galleys. Yes. I admit this. An extra set of eyes helps, especially at certain times. She “Proof positive that there are weirder people than me…”