Okay, so Hunter’s Choice is now free on… Nook ARe Kindle Smashwords Diesel Currently, it’s not free on Kobo or Sony. Unfortunately, they are slower “New news…”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
I haz covers… Wanna see? Just look below the cut.
Mad blog rush
So the book is out and I’m doing several guest blogs/contests. Today, I’m at Tote Bags N Books. Also, if you haven’t checked out the “Mad blog rush”
Yay! Hunter’s Fall is out…
And I have to post one of my favorite bits. “I can’t believe this,” she said again, shaking her head. I won’t. “Why?” He stroked “Yay! Hunter’s Fall is out…”
I’m a woman of simple amusements…this pic from Sylvia Day completely made my night. WALMART! Yeah! It’s in Walmart…(okay, maybe not all of them and “Wheeee…..”
Hunter’s Fall…Random Snippets
“Well, that was fun,” Sheila said, her face pink and her eyes gleaming at him despite the bruising around her left eye. Normally, “Hunter’s Fall…Random Snippets”