“You can be such a bore sometimes, Mal.” She blew out a breath. “How does your wife even tolerate it?” Malachi’s face twisted in “Hunter’s Fall…Random Snippets”
Author: Shiloh Walker
Random trivia…
Anybody know which book Agnes first appeared in? Also, a reminder… there are random contests going on throughout the forum from now through the “Random trivia…”
Speaking up for your rights as a copyright owner
Make sure the reps of your place of residence are aware of how digital theft affects you as a copyright owner. Even if you’ve contacted “Speaking up for your rights as a copyright owner”
Randomness….on Tumblr and on Broken
I dunno what exactly Tumblr is supposed to do. I did see that I could import my blog feed and twitter. That’s pretty easy. And “Randomness….on Tumblr and on Broken”
Today, we have a review from Kelly’s dog
Yes. You read that right. Kelly’s dog. The other day, we saw that Larissa says, Shiloh doesn’t suck. She did too say that, I “Today, we have a review from Kelly’s dog”
Quickie post…helping out the troops
I got this name from Kelley while I was in the hospital-she doesn’t have many details, but it sounds like the guys in this “Quickie post…helping out the troops”