Closed! Winner to be posted later in the week! Because this isn’t the book closest to me. Why am I doing this and not a “No Friday 56… Just a Friday Reads…”
Author: Shiloh Walker
The Bad New/The Good News…
The Bad News is… Reading contracts makes my head hurt. O.o The Good News is…
Asheville, NC signing
So I had a polite little rant set up to go live today. And while I still haven’t changed my viewpoints, it’s dawned on me… “Asheville, NC signing”
Ways to be a pain for pirates
If you’ve seen my posts about places like iOffer, then you know I firmly believe authors can make a difference if they’ll stay on top “Ways to be a pain for pirates”
Random…Tempt Me news, Broken & Fragile
Quickie random ramble… I uploaded Tempt Me on ARe / Omnilit. Dunno when I’ll get around to Hunter’s Choice but I’ll get to it sooner “Random…Tempt Me news, Broken & Fragile”
Let’s talker Master Resale rights…ebooks, etc *REPOST*
Yes…you’ve seen this before. I plan on posting once a month, perhaps. Or at least until asinine sites like ebay & ioffer stop letting people “Let’s talker Master Resale rights…ebooks, etc *REPOST*”