For some reason, it didn’t get listed right namewise, but I’ve fixed that… it’s not written by Walker but Shiloh Walker. The changes just take “Tempt Me up on the #Nook”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
Win a Kobo
Between now and June, when Hunter’s Fall releases, I’m running a contest… you can enter to a Kobo wireless reader. FYI, please note…I’ve limited this “Win a Kobo”
Awesome book
I loved it. it’s due out later this month. They are here. They ride. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. His name is Ares, “Awesome book”
Somebody special to me…
Has a birthday today. Not saying who, but I love her dearly. Happy, happy…love you!
My lack of being here
O.o So those of you who know what I used to do in my former life…I’m sort of temporarily doing it again to help a “My lack of being here”
This is me…
see more Lolcats and funny pictures This is me. One week down. A few more to go… bleh.