Contemporary romance…up for preorder at Amazon. You can always come home. Second chances come a little harder. Chase and Zoe were the high school golden “A Forever Kind of Love…”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
Hunter’s Fall… The Friday 56…ARCs away…
3/6/2011 closing the call for review now…thank you! Those who were selected have been emailed! Closest…. the ARCs. Damn Malachi for saving her. Damn her “Hunter’s Fall… The Friday 56…ARCs away…”
Character worksheets
I’m working on Veil # 3. A few days ago, on twitter, I mentioned I’d forgotten what color eyes Morne (the hero of book “Character worksheets”
Things that you go…
what in the world… Snow Shark the things I find via Katiebabs‘ blog…this was actually the least disturbing of the group. Well, the shaving Ken “Things that you go…”
Cat & Bones
If life was any sort of fair, I would be able to spend tonight reading this. Sadly, life isn’t any sort of fair. It’s out “Cat & Bones”
Guest Blogging….
Over at RomCon today…talking inspiration.