Right now all I have is his name, but if I get the name of the guys & ladies in his unit, I’ll post that “Marine needing some cards & letters… wanna help?”
Author: Shiloh Walker
My foray into self-publishing
I’ve gotten asked…a lot…on why I decided to go it alone with Beg Me. I’ve posted it before, but here ya go… I was “My foray into self-publishing”
Want to win an ARC of Hunter’s Fall?
Jackie at Literary Escapism is helping out some kids…and if you help her help them, you can win an ARC of Hunter’s Fall, along with “Want to win an ARC of Hunter’s Fall?”
Maybe it’s just me
But when you’ve actually sat there and watched somebody actually die…as in held their hand, watched the life fade from their eyes, watched the monitor “Maybe it’s just me”
Pretty pretty…
I have a new pretty for my Fun Stuff page… If you click on the image, it will (SHOULD) open in a new window, in “Pretty pretty…”
Beg Me Updates… and a Coupon
Sorry folks, it’s still not showing @ Nook, Kobo or Borders. I think it should go to the Apple store, too. I’m checking and it’s “Beg Me Updates… and a Coupon”