Stay safe…
Author: Shiloh Walker
Q for the newly pubbed/newly contracted writer
So… They read my book. They liked it. They want it. What now? What comes next… Please note: this isn’t directed at the aspiring writer. “Q for the newly pubbed/newly contracted writer”
Oh, wow… I has mini squee moment…
Oh wow. PBW’s giving away a copy of BROKEN in one of her awesome giveaways. It’s here…and there’s a ton of other awesome books in “Oh, wow… I has mini squee moment…”
Know what comes out on Tuesday?
Dreamveil by Lynn Veil AKA the Queen of Weird & Awesome Rowan Dietrich grew up on the streets. Now she’s out to start anew, find “Know what comes out on Tuesday?”
Welcome… I got a new home…and a new cover… See?
Howdy. See? I’m now in the 21st… er… um… 22nd… whatever century. Blog/website combined. I’m still tinkering, but hey. It’s here, and mostly done. And…. “Welcome… I got a new home…and a new cover… See?”
Helping out…
Here in the states, there hasn’t been a whole lot of coverage on the floods that hit Queensland, Australia. The last I hear (via a “Helping out…”