Not until 2016, but hey, the year is halfway over! For the past few years, I’ve been stalking Barbara Vey and begging her to let “Wisconsin…Barbara Vey, I’m coming your way!”
Author: Shiloh Walker
I'm a mom. I'm a wife. I used to be a nurse. I read. And I write.
Seduced in Secret…aka Whipped Cream & Handcuffs
Have you been looking for this book? It’s coming your way…next week. It’s been expanded, revised and pretty much rewritten, thus the new title. There’s “Seduced in Secret…aka Whipped Cream & Handcuffs”
The Forsaken: FBI Psychics
If you prefer print, two of my shorter FBI stories have been combined for a print release, THE FORSAKEN, available next month. The Unwanted Destin’s “The Forsaken: FBI Psychics”
Looking for Her Wildest Dreams?
Okay, so I’ve a LOT of people asking for a couple of books… HER WILDEST DREAMS & WHIPPED CREAM AND HANDCUFFS. Viola. more iBooks | Kobo | Amazon “Looking for Her Wildest Dreams?”
Final Protocol ~ availabel now ~
Like sci-fi romance? Here ya go! Final Protcol, science fiction with a erotical, romantical sort of twist. But be warned, it’s a little dark. That “Final Protocol ~ availabel now ~”