If you notice pages changing/backgrounds updating, etc… trying to update the look of site. Please ignore. Will go back to (my) level of normal soon.
Author: Shiloh Walker
Bloggity stuff
A couple more hits on the blog stop… if you visit, you can enter to win that Coach purse. Smexy Fab Four “Bloggity stuff”
How much of a book addict
If you’re here, more than likely, you’re addicted. I think the quiz is rigged. I’m much more addicted than this. You can take “How much of a book addict”
Break For Me…now available
Keep up with the Bell family…Jensen’s story is now available “How was your weekend?” “Enchanting.” That slow smile tugged at his lips and he “Break For Me…now available”
Break for Me…one more day!
For those who celebrate, I hope you had a lovely Easter. We went to sunrise service at church, then had a family pitch with all “Break for Me…one more day!”
Net Galley users.. Break for Me & Long for Me!
If you use Net Galley, Break for Me & Long for Me are up there. Dunno how long they’ll be there, so grab them while “Net Galley users.. Break for Me & Long for Me!”