From The Reunited…which is what I’m working on now so it’s technically the closest book. There was death here. He didn’t know how long ago “The Friday 56”
Category: Blog
I saw a tweet about this guy when I was out of town last week and I saved it. I just read it again and “Powerful…”
Writer Wednesday Taige Crenshaw
Today’s Writer Wednesday is Taige Crenshaw… What’s the one thing that remains unchanged during your writing process, from one book to another? (ie: Intensive plotting? Music?) “Writer Wednesday Taige Crenshaw”
Carolyn Crane… I so love her…
Her new book, HeadRush is out tomorrow. You should get it. Because it’s awesome I’ve already read it…and loved it. JUSTINE JONES FACES HER ULTIIMATE ENEMY: HERSELF “Carolyn Crane… I so love her…”
Weekend in Cincinnati…
The guy and I went to Cincinnati over the weekend. Had a great time. Met up with a friend of ours on Friday. I had “Weekend in Cincinnati…”
Hodge-Podge, Missing Posts, Etc…
Okay, so my website has been switched over to a new host and stuff. But I lost some blog posts. If you notice some missing, “Hodge-Podge, Missing Posts, Etc…”