It’s finally Friday again, YAY! So we know what that means, time for Friday 56. Grab the closest (not necessarily what you’re currently reading, just “Friday 56”
Category: Blog
I’m outta here…
Sticky post-newer posts below. Okay guys… I’m going to be seriously absent, most likely, for a short bit.
Quick note…spambots argh!
Okay, spam bots are driving me crazy…ever since the blog got messed up, they’ve been hitting this blog bad. Akismet, my usual spam blocker, had “Quick note…spambots argh!”
Hunters Declan and Tori
Since I’m going through my old EC and posting snippets, and since my next Hunter book is due out soon…maybe I should start posting snippets “Hunters Declan and Tori”
Okay…so I have a surprise
It’s here. And…there’s a contest. You can find out more about the contest under the contest thread. Multiple prizes will be given away and “Okay…so I have a surprise”
Friday Reads/Friday 56
Hey all, Nicole again This released this past Tuesday (4/26), so of course I’m already devouring it ;). My Friday 56 comes from Dark Descendant “Friday Reads/Friday 56”