07:24 @vivianakacreoen Hunter’s Need. Out two weeks ago. 🙂 # 07:42 Bargain on ‘Heart & Soul (The Hunters, Book 8)’ @ Amazon $3.23 bit.ly/6EhRra # “What I'm tweeting about”
Category: Blog
Guest blogging at Borders True Romance Today!
Come chat with me! There’s a contest…
What I'm tweeting about
22:02 What I’m tweeting about: wp.me/p2E96-11A # 23:00 Pay thousands…sell 150 books.: wp.me/p2E96-11m # 19:13 What a deal. More on vanities… pay hundreds, thousands…sell 150 “What I'm tweeting about”
What I'm tweeting about
23:00 Paranormal recs: wp.me/p2E96-110 # 08:18 It’s Monday. the Baby Bratlet is still sick. And I’m very tired. Sigh. # 08:21 @marjoriemliu is doing a “What I'm tweeting about”
Paranormal recs
UTA: I’m guest-blogging at the League of Reluctant Adults today! Come talk to me! The other day, I got an email from a reader who “Paranormal recs”
What I'm tweeting about
23:01 Get the word out-vanity presses, assisted self pub, etc.: wp.me/p2E96-11d # 10:49 Updated with links… get the word out. bit.ly/70CCFB # 10:49 Howdy twitter “What I'm tweeting about”